Justice Summit 2018 Red Bank

Collage by CWACM; American Constitution and Flag photo by wynpnt, CC0; Hand with stamp clipart from Openclipart, CC0 1.0 (edited)
Our goal is to deepen our understanding of the myriad ways the Racist Patriarchy has perpetuated divisions among us. More importantly, we seek to answer for ourselves, what can I do to act in a clearly more equitable and just way of life in the way that I think and live individually, in my community, and in America?
Friday and Saturday workshops include:
- Native Perspectives and Realities in America facilitated by Tweedy Sombrero Navarrete
- Gender, Power, and Privilege: Dismantling Patriarchy with panel including Anna DeShawn, Don Laonipon, and J Zirbel; Brian Ray, Moderator
- Author talk with Brian Ray and Transcender Lee
- Remembering the 1968 Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with Gil Caldwell, Anna DeShawn, Dr. Christine Wiley, and Dr. Dennis Wiley
Saturday evening
- Soul food dinner, 6-8:30p at Second Baptist Church of Asbury Park, NJ
- Spoken word inspired by the works of Rev. Gil Caldwell, namesake for CWACM's Justice Ministry Award, Civil Rights activist, Preacher, Grandfather, Author.
- Spoken word and short stories will be broadcast by Anna DeShawn, CWACM member and founder of E3 Radio. Stay tuned for details.
- If you are planning to be present for our spoken word and dinner you are invited to write an original justice poem, or short story no longer than 2 minutes, to share.
Sunday morning
- Community breakfast, meditations, action steps.
In preparation for Myth America we recommend getting acquainted with these resources:
- Specific to Author Panel
- Southside Dreams by B. K. Ray
- Woman Incognito Transsexual Without Transition by Transcender Lee
- Centering Information
- Blood of the Land by Rex Weyler
- Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI by David Granns
- Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in American by Ibram X. Kendi
Please download these fillable PDF files, fill in the fields, save them on your computer, and email the completed forms and receipts to justchurch@cwac.us.
Meeting location
Thursday, Friday and Saturday meeting space is at the United Methodist Church of Red Bank, 247 Broad Street Red Bank, NJ 07701, home church of our dear friend, Rev. Gil Caldwell.
Event housing
Comfort Inn, 750 State Rt., Middletown, NJ.