Extraordinary Ordination Statement of Theology

Introduction to the Statement
The Extraordinary Ordination Work Area (EOWA) understands that this Statement of Christian Theology relates to the ordination process. This statement is different from the Faith Statement that is part of the CWACM Core Values.
Ordination is about conferring orders and credentialing a person for a vocation of ministry.
The EOWA sees ordination in the CWACM as a Christian ordination and therefore our Statement of Christian Theology expresses a Christian theology. The EOWA is open to conversation with all who seek ordination through CWACM and has been flexible through these conversations. We understand that we are part of a Movement and are therefore open to new ways of being. That being said, we acknowledge that we feel that we are presently equipped to ordain only in the Christian tradition.
An EOWA Statement of Christian Theology
We believe in a loving God, who blesses all creation as good.
We believe that the nature and purpose of God are fully disclosed in Jesus Christ, who comes among us as One filled with grace – teaching, expressing love, and above all caring for those who have been rejected.
We believe that humankind is created in the image of God but is fallible and inclined to sin, both personal and systemic. We recognize that humankind stands always in need of Divine grace and acknowledge with humility that the ways of God greatly transcend the grasp of human knowledge and understanding.
We believe in the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit, present always as an expression of Divine love, drawing us into the heart of God and into new visions of human possibility.
We believe that in community we embody God's peaceable purposes as a sign of God's kin-dom.
We stand for the celebration of the sacred worth of all persons as with all of creation.
We witness to God's work of breaking down the dividing walls of hostility and will co-operate with God in creating a new humanity in the image that more fully reflects God's love.
~ Adopted September 28, 2002, Plainfield, NJ
Edited February 2011 and May 2021