CWACM photo
J Zibel serves communion to bishops at the 2008 Extraordinary Ordination.
CWACM photo
J Zibel serves communion to bishops at the 2008 Extraordinary Ordination.
The Extraordinary Ordination Work Area is always available to answer questions about the ordination process and to partner interested candidates with a person who is a member of the Movement in order to begin a relationship between the candidate and the Church Within A Church Movement.
For more information about Extraordinary Ordination, contact us.
The idea of offering an "Extraordinary Ordination" surfaced in 2005, four years after the birth of the Movement. Having decided over those years that it was our intention to BE church rather than reform a denomination, the Movement created an Extraordinary Ordination Work Area (EOWA) to outline strategies and procedures for our proposed clergy credentialing of those called to ministry.
We celebrate the creative, inspired and transformational ministries of CWACM credentialed clergy who choose a path beyond “church” and denominational boundaries, connected to and supported by this justice Movement.
Dual Covenant is for ordained clergy who hold credentials in another denomination and desire to align with the values of The Church Within A Church Movement.
The Extraordinary Ordination Work Area (EOWA) understands that this Statement of Christian Theology relates to the ordination process. This statement is different from the Faith Statement that is part of the CWACM Core Values.
Current and former members of the EOWA describe what they enjoy about this work.