The Rev. Gregory Dell Receives Justice Ministry Award and Apology

By cathy knight / CWACM

cathy knight presents award to Greg Dell as Gilbert Caldwell looks on.

Windy City Times file photo

Rev. Greg Dell received the Gilbert H. Caldwell Justice Ministry award from the Church Within A Church Movement (CWACM) in 2009 for his advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people in the church and society – as well as his work for justice at the intersection of race, class, gender and orientation.

The award was presented by cathy knight, executive director of CWACM, as Rev. Gil Caldwell looked on.

As the award was bestowed, conveners read a letter of apology from Bishop Jack Tuell, the United Methodist bishop who tried Rev. Dell in 1999, resulting in a one year suspension.

In 1999, the Reverend Greg Dell officiated at the union of two men who were members of his congregation, Broadway United Methodist Church in Chicago. Last weekend he was honored for his prophetic leadership and received an apology from the Bishop who tried him, resulting in a one year suspension a decade ago.

On September 26, 2009, in Chicago, Illinois, at the second awards event of the Church Within A Church Movement, the Rev. Greg Dell received the Gilbert H. Caldwell Justice Ministry award for his advocacy for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people in the church and society – as well as his work for justice at the intersection of race, class, gender and orientation.

As the award was bestowed, conveners read a letter of apology from Bishop Jack Tuell.

Additional Resources

Full news release

Letter from Bishop Jack Tuell

Letter of Tribute from Donald E. Messer, President Emeritus, The Iliff School of Theology, Denver and Executive Director, Center for the Church and Global AIDS

Thank you note from Greg Dell