Shared Stories
Stories, memories, and appreciations shared by people who were touched by Greg's life and ministry.
This is how God made us... we should be able to come together and be who we are.
Stories, memories, and appreciations shared by people who were touched by Greg's life and ministry.
The Church Within A Church Movement grieves the death of Rev. Greg Dell who passed Sunday October 30, 2016. Greg has been the foundation on which we stand in this Movement. Greg was the founding co-convener of CWACM and guiding light for 15 years.
We celebrate a life well lived and mourn with all who loved Greg, all who were impacted by his ministry of love and justice, and the many who found a way to be wholly themselves and love God.
I met Greg helping to plan the Sunday morning circle of care that surrounded Broadway during the 1998 Fred Phelps visit. Before that, I was a little bit scared of him because of his giant stature as a champion for justice! Over the years working together on campaigns for justice through Lakeview Action Coalition, I came to know and love his gentle, pastoral presence and the twinkle that was always in his eye. As others have said, he taught us well. Now we will carry on.
For Homecoming 2016, we were planning a panel about bringing MLK Jr to campus and the campus climate at that time. As I contacted alumni from the years 1966-1970, Greg's name kept rising to the top as a campus leader during his time here and an incredible activist throughout his life. I was saddened not to meet Greg, but certainly inspired by his dedication and passion for justice throughout his lifetime. I left the memorial service understanding exactly why he was so admired.
I grew up in a church household, but it was never top-of-mind. As a member of Broadway UMC while Greg was pastor, I was exposed to church in an engaging way I never dreamed possible. A way that made me know that “Yes, Jesus Loves Me” BECAUSE I am a gay man! One of Greg’s sermons I hold dear dealt with abusive relationships and how God did not want us to stay in places of purposeful hurt – whether a significant other; a family; a church; an employer – we are ALL worthy of Love. Thank you, Greg!
Greg asked during my interview what I would do if I came to church one day and there were protesters yelling and telling me I was going to hell just for walking into a church that is filled with love for LGBTQ people. I got choked up. I remember feeling defiant and protective of the people of Broadway who I hadn't even met yet. Fast forward a few months when I was facing my world falling apart. Who was there defiant and protective of me? Greg and the people of Broadway. I will always remember.
Since 2000, Pastor Dell spoke at 3 of our Chicago performances of Haydn's "The 7 Last Words of Christ." And each time he inspired listeners while also making some uncomfortable. How? Why? By reminding us how those "words" not only uplift us, but how they should challenge and change us for the better -- especially when it's difficult, unpopular, and costly. He never served up "nutra-sweetened vinegar & gall." Not during Holy Week. Not ever. It was an honor to know you and work with you, Greg.
Gregory Dell, my minister for so many years, told me at a time of great loss in the fight for LGBT inclusion in the Methodist church, that I could be angry for a while but never to forget that our side celebrates love, expands life and has much more fun than our opponents who tear down and destroy.