The Rev Greg Dell: The Beginnings of a Memoir

Produced and edited by Marilyn Bennett for Life Stories

Greg Dell seated in a tall wooden chair.

Marilyn Bennett

Greg Dell

The Rev Greg Dell: The Beginnings of a Memoir video is a recording of interviews by Marilyn Bennett with Greg Dell in August 2011. The interviews took place in Greg and his wife Jade's apartment in the Logan Square Area of Chicago, after his diagnosis of Parkinson's in 2007 and after he left the pastorate at Broadway United Methodist Church in Chicago.

Greg wanted to express early influences in his life that helped craft his ministry and later as he lived with Parkinson's. He was a champion for civil rights for all people and lived that commitment in his ministry, daily interactions, leadership and activism. Parkinson's took Greg's life in October 2016. Greg was a founding member of The Church Within A Church Movement.

Marilyn Bennett

Interviews with Greg Dell

The video was produced and edited by Marilyn Bennett for Life Stories, a video biography and memoir company working nationally to record oral histories and capture family members' lives in their own words. Having had cancer, one of Marilyn's foci is working with cancer patients who are terminally ill.