Divine Diversity

Former Oak Park pastor Greg Dell is no stranger to struggle. His latest is with Parkinson's.
Greg Dell standing with a bright window behind him.

Josh Hawkins

Greg Dell

On Sunday mornings the Schattauer family drives from their home in Oak Park to 3344 Broadway on Chicago's North Side to worship at Broadway United Methodist Church.

They make the trip, in large part, because of the pastor - Greg Dell. "Greg's made a big difference in my faith," said Paul Schattauer. "What he's given me is something that can never be taken away, a validation of my faith."

Marcia Schattauer was introduced to Dell and the congregation when Paul took her to a service there 10 years ago - on a date. That Easter morning was the first time she had been in a church in 20 years. Growing up in a fundamentalist congregation, she remembered feeling "less than a Christian." She didn't know her Bible verses well enough and didn't pray the way her relatives thought she should.

Instead of a lot of judgment, however, what she felt from Dell and the people assembled for worship was that "wherever I was and who I am is perfectly accepted as a Christian." With tears in her eyes she added, "I didn't have to prove myself. I didn't have to do anything to feel like I'm a Christian."

Read the full story online on the OakPark.com News site or in this reprint from the Wednesday Journal.